Whereas, the Karen people have hoped for centuries for the right to have their own established nation;
Whereas, that national aspiration has been continually denied by the Burmese government;
Whereas, Karen people are refugees, eager to boldly stay in a refugee camp at the hospitality of the Thai government or accept an invitatino to a third country, such as Canada, Australia, the U.S., or Norway;
Whereas, the Burmese military government, known as the SPCD continues to deny the Karen people access to a decent education, adequate health care, and basic human rights;
Whereas, the Karen people continue to embrace a sense of innovation, resourcefulness and resiliency together, being gifted at constructing houses from the most rudimentary of materials and are willing to live and support one another in any adverse climate or condition;
Whereas Karen self-sufficiency, with adequate financial support from the international community, is a model for self-governance and educational vision; let the following be proposed...
Let the world community, led by the gracious hospitality of Canada, Norway, and the United States, support the resettlement of all Karen peoples to northern Alberta and North Dakota.
Let the Karen people be allowed to flourish in towns of every size, to contribute to the well-being and prosperity of their new homes and countries as they are so eager to do, and let them be allowed to purchase, at special rates, acres of farm and ranchland in otherwise blizzard-swept areas. (plug: http://www.ndrealestate.com/)
Let the SUV drivers, the fossil-fuel burning companies, the fumes of airplane traveliers, the recklessness of those who continue to use the earth's resources in spite of contributing to global warming.
And let the following wonderfully occur..
The earth will warm.
The Karen lands of Burma will become so uninhabitable because of climate changes.
The new resettled lands in Canada and the Dakotas will, however, warm also, providing, instead of blizzard conditions a temperate climate, productive soil, and land free from desertification and rising seas.
Perhaps floods of Americans from southern places will want to relocate to North Dakota or Alberta, as environmental refugees.
The Karen, and Native Americans, will be waiting not to criticize, but to welcome the refugee, the stranger that they have known so well. And they will help these new arrivals build a home, a new life and will say to a relocating American Global Warmer Migrant: "Will you come to my house and visit me? There, I have hot tea."