Sunday, January 13, 2008

Camp Rations Decline

Karen refugees receive basic food, clothing, and building supplies. The funds that pay for these necessities do not come from the United Nations. The funds come from a variety of NGOs and governments, such as the United States and the European Union. This coming year, there are reductions in the rations that the refugees will receive. Why? As someone from TBBC, the Thailand Burma Border Consortium explained to me: All the donated funds that buy food, building materials and clothing come from the currency of the U. S. dollar that is then converted by Thailand into Baht before the supplies are purchased. However, because the American dollar is weak and because there is a blooming recession in the U.S. economy, there have to be reductions made to the amount of supplies that are available for the 16,000 refugees who live here and have no access to follow market trends. The basic conclusion (however simplified) seems to be thus: Because some houses are overpriced in the U.S. and people have had to default on their mortgages causing a credit crisis and slowed the American economy, the college students and families in the refugee camp will no longer receive the ration of fish paste and chilis for their traditional meals. Other rations may later be reduced further, but people learn to adapt as many have a Ph.D in resiliency. Families share what they can. They eat less meat, eat more rice, and listen for the hope that crows every new morning. If you would like to donate funds to help with funds, go to for a terrific list of how to give.