Nietzsche once said that the problem with modern man is that he has yet to discover the seriousness of play that children possess. That thriving, vital seriousness of play shines in the refugee camp, among the abundance of children and their holy creativity. From a young age, children are active, they create their own entertainment. Here are some ways children play:
1. Spinning a bicycle wheel down a road and chasing it;
2. Affixing a bamboo stick to a small axel made of a stick with wheels cut out from discarded sandals, and rolling it on the ground in glee;
3. Swimming in the river;
4. Floating down the river on an old, discarded board, or making a float by filling a garbage bag with air, tying it, and tubing down a stream;
5. Making a parachute out of a plastic bag and string;
6. Stomping on an empty plastic bottle with a reattached cap, seeing the cap fly, hearing the pop sound.